Threat Assessment and Training Blog
The 2025 Guide to Threat Assessment Approaches for Law Enforcement
An updated guide to threat assessment approaches for law enforcement, this guide is meant to define, provide resources, and also help you identify threat assessment training and resources that might help you, your officers, or your community.
The Benefits of Workplace Violence Prevention Training
A Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP) is a comprehensive program designed to identify, assess, and reduce the risk of violent incidents. These programs establish procedures for assessing and managing potential threats in the workplace, and include things like risk assessment, implementation of physical security measures, employee training, and protocols for communication and incident reporting. In this post, we explore the key components of WVPPs and discuss how these strategies help create a safer and more secure work environment.
Tips for Enhancing Apartment Security
Second Sight Training Systems was recently featured as an expert in an ApartmentGuide article that offers practical tips for enhancing the safety and security of your home. The blog also emphasizes the importance of situational awareness and how training can help you stay alert and protect your property.
The 4 Benefits of Situational Awareness
Opportunism is a major driver behind many crimes, with offenders selecting times, locations, and targets that present the highest reward with the least risk. Thankfully, you can reduce these opportunities using situational awareness techniques. By being more aware of your surroundings, you are more able to recognize unusual behavior, identify potential threats, and make informed decisions about how to respond to keep yourself safe. In this post, we highlight the four key benefits of situational awareness and introduce you to our updated course, "Situational Awareness for Safety," designed to help individuals navigate their environments more effectively.
Coming Soon: New Opportunities at Second Sight
Exciting news! We are introducing a new Field Work Safety course coming soon, created in direct response to the growing demand and requests for this type of specialized training. Additionally, we are launching our first affiliate program, which offers competitive commissions for those enthusiastic about promoting safety and making a positive impact.
The Role of Training and Communication in Preventing Healthcare Violence
This blog discusses how important it is for healthcare workers and healthcare security staff to receive complementary training so they can better communicate with each other. By learning to recognize and handle potential threats using similar techniques and vocabulary, healthcare staff and security can communicate more efficiently and respond quickly to dangerous situations. Healthcare workers face more violence than any other industry, but this kind of teamwork can prevent violence and make healthcare facilities safer for everyone.
Preventing Violence in America's Hospitals and Healthcare Systems
Incidents of violence have more than doubled in hospitals, emergency departments, and urgent care facilities since COVID-19. This increase has contributed to greater stress and burnout among healthcare staff, as well as a strain on hospital resources. This blog explains why observation training is a key solution to reduce assaults and improve safety in healthcare settings. This training can help staff better recognize and handle potential threats, ultimately leading to a safer environment for both healthcare workers and patients.
Situational Awareness for Safety: Four Diverse Trainings in Western Massachusetts, June 2024
In today’s world, being aware of your surroundings is essential. Our Situational Awareness for Safety course, offered both online and in-person, meets this need. This blog is about our team’s recent visit to Western Massachusetts, where they trained professionals across various fields, including social services, community health, public works, churches, and schools. Learn about the benefits of situational awareness training and see what our trainees had to say.
6 Safety Tips for College and University Students
Going to college can be both exciting and scary, especially if it is your first time away from home. This post explores the impact of campus crime, shares six practical steps students can take to minimize the risk of being victimized, and offers valuable resources to help ensure your safety on campus. Whether you are a student or the parent of a student, these six tips will help you stay safe and feel secure in a college environment.
Preventing Workplace Violence
Whether it manifests as physical assaults, verbal abuse, harassment, or acts of aggression, workplace violence poses a significant threat that transcends industry boundaries. While certain industries, such as healthcare, law enforcement, and retail, may face higher risks due to the nature of their work, no sector is immune to the potential for violence in the workplace.
In Recognition of National Safety Month
This June is National Safety Month, a time dedicated to highlighting the importance of safety in all aspects of life. Established by the National Safety Council, this month focuses on various themes each week, including safety engagement, roadway safety, risk reduction, and preventing slips, trips, and falls. By raising awareness and providing helpful resources, we aim to create safer environments in workplaces, communities, and beyond.
Advice, Anecdotes, and More: Dr. Nathan Meehan Shares His Journey in Law Enforcement Analysis
Listen to Second Sight’s very own Nathan Meehan on the Law Enforcement Analysis Podcasts Channel. LEAPodcasts aims to promote the law enforcement analysis profession by releasing episodes and resources that help people better understand the world of law enforcement analysis and expand their careers. In the podcast, his story is told in three parts: how he became an analyst, what he did as an analyst, and what he did afterwards that led to his work at Second Sight.
The Benefits of Certified Training
Good training can be hard to find. Before investing in a training program, organizations have to be sure that it will be an effective and efficient use of resources. This is especially true when agencies oftentimes have to budget for multiple costs – paying instructors, trainees, and insurance coverage. IADLEST’s National Certification Program can serve as a vehicle to identify good training. We recently renewed the certification for our online Threat Awareness for Law Enforcement Program, and we wanted to tell you more about what this means for you.
5 Threat And Risk Assessment Approaches for Security Professionals in 2024
An updated guide to threat and risk assessment approaches for security professionals, this guide is meant to define, provide resources, and help you identify threat assessment training and resources that might help you and your personnel.
Awareness: A Key to Women’s Self-Defense
In the pursuit of women's self-defense, the power of situational awareness cannot be overstated. By identifying risky situations and learning how to reduce appeal to potential offenders, women can empower themselves to navigate their surroundings confidently. With situational awareness, you can learn to recognize the warning signs of a potential threat, which allows you to take preventive measures to keep yourself safe. Because an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, this concept is a cornerstone of women’s self-defense strategies. This post offers practical guidance on how to leverage situational awareness to reduce your vulnerability to potential offenders and keep yourself safe.
Situational Awareness in the Workplace
In this post, we wanted to share the feedback from attendees at a series of instructor-led deliveries conducted by the Second Sight Team to employees of Benton County, Oregon, in April 2023. We also describe the benefits and ways of getting situational awareness training in the workplace.
Enhancing Communication: The Power of Active Listening Skills
Effective communication plays a pivotal role in navigating complex interactions in law enforcement or in any investigatory setting. While there is no universal formula for communicating with people, becoming a better listener is an essential communication skill that applies to nearly every interaction. In this post, we discuss what active listening is and how it can help you be more effective in your job.
Registration Closed: 8/2/2023 Webinar
Second Sight will be holding its first webinar on August 2, 2023 at 12pm Eastern. You can meet the Second Sight Team at this event and learn about recent updates to our 1-hour Situational Awareness for Safety class, ILT, and online course logistics.