Threat Assessment and Training Blog
Instructional Design and Active Threat Assessment Training
Picking out the right training is very important to protect yourself from liability and ensure that you are actually proficient at the skills that you are trained on. When it comes to developing effective training, using a formalized instructional design process is critical to ensure that training delivery methods are appropriate and make sense. At Second Sight, all of our advanced online training classes follow this process. In this post, we discuss the instructional design process and what it means for you when choosing courses for your personnel.
12 Key Interview Techniques for Investigators
During an interview, the way an investigator communicates is essential to helping meet interview goals. Other than establishing rapport and treating people with respect and decency, there is no single "best" interview technique. In this post, we share some information and resources on 12 key interview techniques that can help anyone improve their communication skills and collect more information inside and outside of the booth.
Police Tactical Units and Hotspot Policing
Police tactical units are increasingly being used to address violent crime and homicides, particularly in major cities. Many police tactical units use place-based policing strategies, such as hot spot policing and third-party policing, that focus on proactively targeting places where crime is highly concentrated. These strategies are data-driven and use information from past crimes to predict and prepare for potential future incidents.
Giving Back to the Community: Zone 5 Academy Training
Here at Second Sight, we enjoy giving back to our community. As part of this effort, we partner with the Zone 5 Police Training Academy in upstate New York to provide free training on active threat assessment. Our program is now a permanent part of their curriculum, and we’d like to share it with you too. In this post, we will discuss a bit more about the training and introduce you to our online version of the course.
School Behavioral Threat Assessment in Virginia: A Model Program
Violent acts on school property pose serious risks to our nation’s most vulnerable, presenting very real concerns for those tasked with keeping our schools safe. Many of these attacks are pre-planned and are often preceded by multiple warning signs. School behavioral threat assessment can help identify these warning signs so that necessary action can be taken to prevent tragedies from occurring. In this post, we describe the benefits of school behavioral threat assessment and will introduce you to an evidence-based model program that you can adapt for your jurisdiction.
School Threat Assessment and Identifying Active Threats
Lethal and non-lethal violent acts on school property are becoming more and more common, ranging from the most horrific shooting events to schoolyard fights. In this post, we will describe school threat assessment and the challenges associated with school safety. Also included are resources on critical topics. Lastly, we describe how active threat assessment and situational awareness training can help school personnel prevent violence.
Threat Assessment Training: Identify and Defend Against Your Threat
The type of threat assessment you need may vary based on the type of problem you are trying to solve. In this post, we share various research and resources related to threat assessment training and our own active threat assessment methodology.
You Suggested, We Listened: Updates To Our Online Programs
Over the years, we have thoroughly appreciated the helpful feedback received from our trainees. We take this feedback seriously and have made critical updates to enhance our online courses. These updates focus on improving course delivery and quality of course content to make the material more engaging and to improve learning outcomes. These updates include 1) More videos to cater to different learning styles, 2) Upgrades to the course interface and navigation, and 3) Improved audio and video quality.
Active Threat Assessment: Identify Potential, Imminent, and Immediate Threats
Active threat assessment is an observation methodology that can help you identify threatening individuals or groups who require immediate attention while dismissing people who don’t present a true threat. This method involves systematic observations, recognizing people who deviate from the pattern of consistent behavior, and identifying persons of interest (POI) who warrant further investigation. This methodology can also help you assess threat indicators, which can help you conduct safe and effective interdictions with POIs when necessary.
Threat Assessment and Active Shooter Prevention
As the prevalence of active shooter incidents continues to increase, the need for active shooter prevention and preparedness is becoming more relevant. There are a number of things that organizations can do to prepare for and respond to these types of incidents. Some are proactive and focus on active shooter prevention, while others are short-term and help officers better respond to these incidents. For example, threat assessment can be used to identify different threats that come up at different points in time. In this post, we explain some of these options and help you find resources that might help you.
Police Response to Persons with Mental Illness
There are a number of police responses to persons with mental illness (PMI) that are designed to make encounters with them less dangerous for everyone involved. These include police and mental health collaborations and police-specific responses. In this post, we will describe these approaches as well as provide additional resources on the various approaches. We will also introduce active threat assessment, integration of this approach into police training can teach officers how to differentiate between threatening and non-threatening individuals and situations
Police Tactical Units and Offender-Focused Policing
Police tactical units are being increasingly used to address violent crime and homicides in the United States. There are a variety of police tactical units that target specific places and people, ideally so that officers can focus on the most dangerous individuals. Some strategies are proactive and can enhance an officer’s awareness regarding a certain place or person in advance, while other strategies help an officer assess a situation in real-time. Active threat assessment training is one way to enhance police tactical units, as it can be integrated as an additional layer of officer decision-making in terms of focusing on the most dangerous offenders.
De-escalation Techniques for LE-Citizen Encounters
The concept of ‘de-escalation’ is becoming more prominent among law enforcement professionals, but the term still means different things to different people. Generally, de-escalation techniques focus on reducing the immediacy of threat in potentially volatile encounters, ideally so that officers can resolve incidents without using force. However, it can sometimes be difficult to know when it is appropriate to de-escalate versus when doing so might be unsafe. Thankfully, threat assessment and other techniques can be utilized to help an officer estimate the risk to his safety. This post outlines the common de-escalation techniques used in law enforcement today and what we know about them.
Active Threat Assessment in Healthcare Security
In this interview with Mike Hodges and Brine Hamilton of the Proactive Security Podcast, Pete Forth and Nathan Meehan of Second Sight discuss the active threat assessment methodology and its application to healthcare security.
Active Threat Assessment In Action: Concealed Weapons at Protests
Recently, a Second Sight trainee used the active threat assessment techniques to spot people carrying concealed weapons at a peaceful protest. Read this story.
Before Defensive Tactics: 5 Training Approaches for LE-Citizen Encounters (Part II)
There are a number of training approaches recommended to heal police-community tensions, including procedural justice, implicit bias, de-escalation, and CIT. These approaches involve assessment, decision-making, and communication. In the second of this two-part series, we focus on de-escalation and crisis intervention training.
An ASIS International Preferred Provider
Second Sight Training Systems is excited to announce that we have been approved as a Preferred Provider by ASIS International. ASIS certified security professionals can to use our courses to meet continuing education requirements for the APP, CPP, PCI, and PSP Security Certifications.
Before Defensive Tactics: 5 Training Approaches for LE-Citizen Encounters (Part I)
There are a number of training approaches recommended to heal police-community tensions, including procedural justice, implicit bias, de-escalation, and CIT. These approaches involve assessment, decision-making, and communication. In the first of this two-part series, we focus on procedural justice and implicit bias training.